Aim: Recently, organ transplant is the most common treatment of organ deficiency. Although there has been some discussion about the necessity of HLA in recent times, in kidney transplant HLA still keeps on being important. Our aim in this study is to search whether there is a relationship between the HLA antigens and blood type of 362 patients who are registered to the waiting list from cadaver in Selçuk University Transplant Unit. Method: In this study, the tissue groups of the patients in the waiting list from-cadaver have been determined with Class I microlenfocitotoxicity technique (HLA-A/B/C), Class II (HLA-DR) PCR-SSP (Polymerase Chain Reaction-Single Strand Polymorphism) technique and their blood type with micro plate agglutination. Result: Of 362 patients on the waiting-list, 206 were male (57%) and 156 female (43%). When the patients were observed according to their blood type, 165 (45%) were A type, 118 (33%) O type, 54 (15%) B type, and 25 (7%) AB type. The most common tissue groups in all blood types, has been detected as in HLA group HLA A2 antigens (48%), in HLA-B group HLA B35 (33%), in HLA-DR group DRB11 antigens (48%). When the commonly seen HLA groups and their blood types were compared, there was found no statistical correlation (p> 0.01). Conclusion: In this study which we searched about the correlation between HLA antigens and blood types, there could not found any correlation as statistically.
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Article Type: Original Article
EUR J GEN MED, Volume 8, Issue 1, January 2011, 65-68
Publication date: 11 Jan 2011
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