Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to provide a basic view, which use the social learning theory and self-efficacy to explore the relationship between employee care, stress status, and work style inside healthcare organization.
Design/methodology/approach: This paper is a conceptual study on healthcare industrial workers recognize the commitment in workplace safety, making the importance of work adjustment, and maintenance in a safe environment. Hospitals have reduced costs and manpower, coupled with the implementation and promotion of various evaluations, which greatly increased the load on the staff of medical institutions, resulting in longer working hours, and worsening of the working conditions. Service-profit chain makes the same predictions about service users and the resulting effect on service worker satisfaction, error reduction, turnover, and other helpful employee outcomes. This research uses a survey tool as a structured questionnaire of Chi-square test for hospitalization incidents was taken in southern hospital center to analyze demographic changes and working conditions.
Findings: This paper’s findings are 297 administered questionnaires; 205 questionnaires were returned, giving a returned rate of 69%. After deducting 11 invalid questionnaires, 194 valid questionnaires were procured with an effective response rate of 65.3%. This study finds the age of hospital employees and the stress of their children are related to the reason for their hospitalization. The stress, which comes from children is significantly related to the reason for the hospitalization of employees.
Originality/value: This paper is exploring the relevant factors of hospitalization, which will be a helpful improvement in the useful management of healthcare industrial. It is also helpful in human resource management of healthcare industrial organization in the future.
This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Article Type: Original Article
ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 20, Issue 4, August 2023, Article No: em489
Publication date: 01 Jul 2023
Online publication date: 21 Mar 2023
Article Views: 1055
Article Downloads: 934
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