The Study of the Effects of Mobility Trends on the Statistical Models of the COVID-19 Virus Spreading
Davit Gondauri 1 * , Mikheil Batiashvili 1
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1 Business and Technology University, GEORGIA* Corresponding Author


The history of the Pandemics makes a significant impact on the memory and behavior of the affected communities. It is important to study the connection between human mobility and the spread of viral infection. Specifically, we aimed to investigate whether there was a correlation between Mobility Trends and the spread of Covid-19 virus. Thus, in the conclusion it should be noted that the intensity of pedestrians, traffic and transit traffic during the study period, on average, after 15-20 days, affected the spread of the virus. If there was a positive slope and correlation coefficient between the variables presented in the period 22.01.2020 - 11.03.2020 (before the announcement of the pandemic), in the period 12.03.2020 - 14.04.2020 (after the announcement of the pandemic) the slope and correlation coefficients received negative values ​​between the study variables, which indicates That on average, after 15-20 days, Due to the intensity of the movement, the center of the virus spread is identified, and the intensity of the movement itself is decreased.


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Article Type: Original Article

ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 17, Issue 6, December 2020, Article No: em243

Publication date: 27 Apr 2020

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