Trace elements status in children with bronchial asthma
Bahri Ermis 1, Ferah Armutcu 2 * , Ahmet Gurel 2, Levent Kart 3, Nejat Demircan 4, Remzi Altin 3, Fatma Demirel 1
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1 Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Department of Peadiatrics, Zonguldak, Turkey2 Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Department of Biochemistry, Zonguldak, Turkey3 Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Department of Pulmonology, Zonguldak, Turkey4 Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Department of Family Practice, Zonguldak, Turkey* Corresponding Author


Zinc, copper and magnesium are important elements in the preservation of immune resistance. Zinc and copper are both required for numerous biochemical functions and for optimal activity of the immune system. They are also involved in cell and tissue growth. We aimed to define the relation between bronchial asthma and serum levels of these three trace elements. Zinc levels were significantly decreased in comparison to the control values (p<0.01). On the other hand, Copper and ceruloplasmin levels were significantly higher in comparison to the control values (p<0.01). Our study was showed relatively low blood levels of zinc in subject with asthma. Chronic inflammation causes a characteristic decline in serum zinc levels in experimental studies. It is well known that zinc deficiency affects the regulation of T-cell lymphocytes, which may play some part in the development of allergies. These findings suggest a different zinc and copper nutritional status between asthmatic and healthy subjects. Asthmatic children, in particular, seem to be at a risk of zinc deficiency. The changes in trace element status may be the effect of chronic disease state and do not associate with the cause of disease.


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Article Type: Original Article

EUR J GEN MED, Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2004, 4-8

Publication date: 15 Jan 2004

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