Tracheobronchial Foreign Bodies Aspirations in Adults: A 25-Years Experience
Bayram Altuntas 1 * , Yener Aydin 1, Atilla Eroglu 1
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1 Ataturk University, Medical Faculty, Department of Thoracic Surgery1, Erzurum, Turkey* Corresponding Author


The incidence of tracheobronchial aspirations of foreign bodies in adults is lower than in children. In this article, we aimed to present our experience in tracheobronchial aspiration of foreign bodies in adults during 25-years.

From January 1990 to January 2015, 122 patients older than 16 years with suspected tracheobronchial aspiration of foreign body were included in this study. Patients’ data cards were retrospectively assessed according to age, gender, clinical symptoms and physical examination findings, localization and type of foreign body, radiologic findings and therapeutic options.

Ninety-six of the patients were female (78.7%) and 26 were male (21.3%). The age range was 17-70 years and mean age was 30.3 years. Rigid bronchoscopy was performed in all patients. Foreign bodies were seen in 112 patients (91.8%). Foreign bodies were extracted by rigid bronchoscopy in 109 patients. Thoracotomy and pneumotomy were performed in the remaining 3 patients. The most common foreign body was pin (83%). The chief symptom was cough (100%). The most common anatomic location of foreign bodies was right bronchial system (60.7%). The main radiologic finding was radiopaque image of the related foreign body (88.4%). Right lower lobectomy was performed in two patients because of bronchiectasis.

If tracheobronchial aspirations of foreign bodies are not treated in early period, irreversible and suppurative lung diseases may occur as results of aspirations in later years. The education of societies about this subject is principal precaution in reducing the frequency of tracheobronchial aspirations of foreign bodies.


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Article Type: Original Article

EUR J GEN MED, Volume 13, Issue 2, April 2016, 94-99

Publication date: 06 Apr 2016

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