Pericardio–diaphragmatic rupture is an uncommon problem that poses a diagnostic challenge to surgeons. This article reports an unusual case of traumatic pericardio-diaphragmatic rupture in a 36-year-old male who has no additional intraabdominal visceral injury or thoracic pathology. There was a 7 cm lateral tear on the left dome of the diaphragm and a 2 cm medial tear, also involving pericardio-diaphragmatic junction, with the heart uninjured. The partially herniated stomach was easily pulled out from the thorax cavity through the diaphragmatic rupture. The rupture was reparied by interrupted non-absorbable sutures. The patient had no complaints on his follow up.
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Article Type: Original Article
EUR J GEN MED, Volume 2, Issue 3, July 2005, 132-134
Publication date: 15 Jul 2005
Article Views: 1460
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