Aim: This study aimed to examine the construct verification of the knowledge on the Noor evidence-based medicine (EBM) questionnaire using the Rasch measurement model.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among ninety healthcare professionals working in a government hospital. The Rasch model was used to investigate the distribution of statistics, unidimensionality, polarity, misfit, and Wright map.
Results: The Rasch analysis showed that the 15 items had high reliability of items at 0.96, while reliability for persons were 0.81. Item K15 is a misfit (PtMea Corr=0.22, outfit MnSq=1.95, outfit z-std=5.00, infit MnSq=1.63, infit z-std=3.60); the item does not contribute to the construction of scale but not degrading. Three items (K1, K14, and K9) can easily be answered even by low ability respondents.
Conclusions: The Noor EBM questionnaire knowledge is robust with excellent psychometric properties that can be used for both research and clinical purposes.
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Article Type: Original Article
ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 20, Issue 6, December 2023, Article No: em534
Publication date: 01 Nov 2023
Online publication date: 06 Aug 2023
Article Views: 1487
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