Special issue on Pediatric Health and Diseases: Contributions from Latin American Scientists
The editorial team of Electronic Journal of General Medicine invites proposals for special issues to appear in 2021.
Contact: All Special Issue Proposal submissions should be submitted to the Electronic Journal of General Medicine editor at editor@ejgm.co.uk
Special issue on Pediatric Health and Diseases: Contributions from Latin American Scientists (Published as Volume 16 Issue 5)
Editor: Marcos Roberto Tovani Palone
Ribeirão Preto Medical School, University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil.
Special issue contact: marcos_palone@hotmail.com
Latin America comprises 21 countries and has a population of over 550 million people. This region of the world consists almost entirely of developing countries. There are many similarities and differences of customs and traditions among all these nations. Recently, despite important advances in the quality of life of most of the inhabitants of Latin America, the adequate diagnostic and treatment of many pediatric diseases is still a great challenge to several countries of this continent. This, in turn, occurs for several reasons. However, the efforts of many Latin American researchers working in the pediatric field have been remarkable. Thus, the aim of this special issue is to publish original studies based on standards of excellence from Latin American scientists, with focus on pediatric health and diseases. Possible authors (including physicians, dentists, nurses, physiotherapists, biologists, psychologists, social workers, among others) are encouraged to submit mainly original articles that are immediately applicable to practice (basic science, translational research and evidence-based medicine). In addition, review articles and case reports can be also considered for publication. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
Pediatric Surgery
Pediatric Immunology
Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Pediatric Gastroenterology
Pediatric Urology
Pediatric Oncology
Pediatric Hematology
Pediatric Radiology
Neonatal Intensive Care
Pediatric Endocrinology
Pediatric Cardiology
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Child and Adolescent Psychology
Pediatric Neurology
Pediatric Emergencies
Pediatric Oncology
Pediatric Hematology
Pediatric Pulmonology
Pediatric Allergy
Congenital Malformations
Pediatric Dentistry
Pediatric Healthcare
Pediatric Physiotherapy
Authors are encouraged to read Aims & Scope and Manuscript Preparation Guidelines of the Electronic Journal of General Medicine, before submitting their manuscripts.
Important dates:
Start submission: March 1, 2018
Manuscript Due: August 30, 2018
First Round of Reviews: October 15, 2018
Accepted for publication: December 15, 2018
Instructions for submission: In order to submit an article for this special issue, authors must use Editorial System. Choose manuscript type as “Special issue paper” and Select special issue as “Pediatric Latin America 2018 vol.15”.