Keyword: essential oil

2 articles found.

Original Article

Biological activities and chemical composition of essential oil isolated from Artemisia herba-alba

Saif M Dmour, Sultan Ayesh Mohammed Saghir, Saqr Abushattal, Haitham Qaralleh, Sulaiman M Alnaimat, Ahmad M Al-Jaafreh, Eid M Alsbou, Mahfoudh AM Abdulghani, Ibrahem Salameh Almajali

ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 21, Issue 1, February 2024, Article No: em569

Original Article

The Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Eugenia Caryophllata Essential Oil: An animal model of anti-inflammatory activity

Abdurrahman Öztürk, Hanefi Özbek

EUR J GEN MED, Volume 2, Issue 4, October 2005, 159-163