Introduction: Interest to undergo nose job surgery, known as rhinoplasty, has grown among different strata of Iranian society. As an elective and non-emergency surgery, it is always accompanied by complications like other invasive surgeries. However, little is known about candidate’s awareness regarding these problems and also their expectations toward this famous plastic surgery.
Objectives: To assess the awareness level of candidates as well as their expectations and motivational factors, and the reasons behind the high rates of nose job surgery in Iran.
Methods: Sixteen men and women aged 20-42 who were decided to undergo nose job surgery for first time in near future were interviewed using a semi-structured interview format. Twelve face-to-face with four telephone interviews (using WhatsApp application) were conducted. The research questions explored participant’s information level, persuasive reasons, and their achievements after having surgery. The interviews were audio recorded and then transcribed verbatim. Conventional content analysis was used to evaluate data.
Results: The results of the analysis showed that the participants and even their family mostly had preliminary and superficial information regarding surgery complications. Negative feedback or misplaced judgements in the community, family and friends, media advertising, and scientific and technological advances are act as motivating factors. The tendency to undergo nose job surgery is not always for the sake of beauty. Sometimes it is done for therapeutic purpose. Improving the quality of life, giving better opportunity to find new friends or social interaction, increasing self confidence in public place, self-satisfied and freedom from obsession are counted as further achievements.
Conclusion: The awareness level regarding nose job surgery was limit and superficial. People usually think optimistically about the results and count this surgery as a tool by which in addition to gaining beauty, they can gain higher social prestige and something new in life and get rid of daily life monotony. Mutual cooperation of psychologists and surgeons is necessary. This important can increase candidates’ satisfaction by identifying motivational criteria and their expectations.
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Article Type: Original Article
ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 19, Issue 2, April 2022, Article No: em353
Publication date: 14 Jan 2022
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