Grosgrain Stockings in the Treatment of Primary Congenital Lymphedema
Maria de Fatima Guerreiro Godoy 1 , Stelamarys Barufi 2 , Paula Pereira de Godoy Capeletto 3 , Henrique Jose Pereira de Godoy 4 , Jose Maria Pereira de Godoy 5 *
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1 Occupational Therapist Professor of the Post-Graduate Stricto Sensu in Medicine School in São José do Rio Preto (FAMERP) and Research Group in the Clínica Godoy, Sao Jose do Rio Preto, BRAZIL2 Physiotherapist, Research Group in the Clínica Godoy, Sao Jose do Rio Preto, BRAZIL3 Physician specialized in General Practice, Researcher Group of the Clínica Godoy, São José do Rio Preto, SP, BRAZIL4 Physician in Medicine School of Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso-Cuiabá-UFMT and Research Group in the Clínica Godoy, Sao Jose do Rio Preto, BRAZIL5 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Department of the Medicine School in São José do Rio Preto (FAMERP), CNPq (National Council for Research and Development), BRAZIL* Corresponding Author


Aim: The aim of the present study was to evaluate grosgrain c stockings in the reduction and maintenance of the results of treatment for lymphedema.
Method: A prospective clinical trial was performed with 45 patients who made use of grosgrain stockings as monotherapy for the treatment of lower limb lymphedema with the analysis of the volumetric reduction using bioimpedance at the Clinica Godoy-Brazil. These stockings are hand-crafted and adapted to each patient, with adjustments made as necessary.
Results: The mean reduction in volume was from 7.1 to 6.0 L (standard deviation: 1.56 L). This reduction was statistically significant (p-value < 0.0001, paired t-test). A total of 17 (18.8%) of the 90 limbs did not undergo reductions, but rather had discrete numerical increases. However, these increases were not statistically significant in this group of patients (p-value = 0.08, paired t-test).
Conclusion: Grosgrain stockings are effective for the treatment of primary congenital lymphedema when used in accordance with the recommended instructions.


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Article Type: Original Article

ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 19, Issue 2, April 2022, Article No: em354

Publication date: 14 Jan 2022

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