Is it a Disease or a Symptom ? Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Zeynep Kamalak 1, İlay Gözükara 2 * , Suna Kabil Kucur 2
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1 Nenehatun Woman Hospital, Obstetric and Gynecology, Erzurum, Turkey2 Dumlupınar University, Obstetric and Gynecology, Kütahya,Turkey* Corresponding Author


Nausea and vomiting are common symptoms during early pregnancy. Although vomiting is the most obvious concerning symptom, persistent, debilitating nausea can severely adversely affect the woman’s quality of life. It is namely Hyperemesis Gravidarum occurs in approximately 0.3–2.0% of pregnancies. The etiology is unknown but many risk factors have been determined as nulliparity, low maternal age, multiple gestation, previous pregnancy complicated by Hyperemesis Gravidarum. That remains a poorly understood condition and most likely involves a combination of hormonal, immunologic, and genetic factors. Data have shown increased levels of human chorionic gonadotropin in Hyperemesis Gravidarum , and proposed mechanisms include stimulation of secretory processes of the upper gastrointestinal tract and stimulation of the thyroid gland. In most women this condition is mild and self-limiting. While maternal morbidity is well documented, the effects of Hyperemesis Gravidarum on the fetus are less clear. A large majority (82.8%) reported that Hyperemesis Gravidarum caused negative psychosocial changes. Therefore, it is of great importance to treat this condition effectively to improve the quality of life for these women.


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Article Type: Review Article

EUR J GEN MED, Volume 12, Issue 3, July 2015, 273-276

Publication date: 15 Jul 2015

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