Personal motivations of Iranian men and women in making decision to do face cosmetic surgery: A qualitative study
Nahid Mozaffari Niya 1, Majid Kazemi 2 * , Farokh Abazari 3, Fazlollah Ahmadi 4
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1 MScN, BScN (PhD Candidate), Department of Nursing and Midwifery, Nursing Research Center, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran2 PhD, MScN, BScN (Assistant Professor), School of Nursing & Midwifery Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences. Rafsanjan, Iran3 PhD, MScN, BScN (Assistant Professor), Department of Nursing and Midwifery, Nursing Research Center, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran4 PhD, MScN, BScN (Professor), Nursing Department, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran* Corresponding Author


Face cosmetic surgery is one of the most common surgeries in Iran; currently, it is popular among men and women. Considering the risk of complications in this type of operations, this question arises that what is personal motives for decision to do face cosmetic surgery? The purpose of this study is to explore personal motivations of decision to do face cosmetic surgery.

This study was conducted using qualitative research and content analysis approach. The studied population included 21 men and women aged 22-52 who had undergone face cosmetic surgery 1-5 years ago. Sampling started with purposive sampling and ended with data saturation. Interviews were used to collect data. All interviews were recorded and transcribed immediately. Data was analyzed using conventional content analysis.

Data analysis revealed main theme “personal motivations” that including three main category, feelings of inferiority, Escape from loneliness, and Fear of the unseen. The results of the study showed that feelings of inferiority, Escape from loneliness and Fear of the unseen by relatives and society are the greatest and most important motivations for undergoing cosmetic surgery and accepting the risk of surgeries.

Considering the negative physical and mental health implications of cosmetic surgeries, health care providers particularly nurses by community based views can make efforts to change positive attitudes of people and improve psychological insecurities through cooperation of families and educational interventions by understanding the reasons for which people decide to undergo cosmetic surgeries


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Article Type: Original Article

ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 15, Issue 3, June 2018, Article No: em29

Publication date: 03 Mar 2018

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