Juglans regia contain compounds such as phenolic acids and flavonoids. Experimental studies demonstrated the Juglans regia were used in traditional medicine and has many beneficial effects. Use of Nasturtum officinalis has been reported to prevent cellular damage and elevate the level of antioxidant in the body. Nasturtum officinalis extract had Strong antioxidant properties and beneficial effects on reducing blood lipids. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of Juglans regia and Nasturtum officinalis on biochemical parameters following toxicity of kidney by CCl4 in Wistar rats.
Materials and Methods:
Sixty four Wistar rats were used and divided into 8 groups of eight animals each. Wistar rats were received intraperitoneally 50% CCl4 in olive oil. Juglans regia leaves and Nasturtum officinalis were orally administered before or after CCl4 in treatment groups twice a week for 31 days. After twenty one day, the blood samples were collected of all rats and serum levels of biochemical parameters were measured.
In treatment groups, serum BUN, Bun, Alb, creatinine, Blood Urea, Uric acid levels were significantly decreased in comparison to their positive group. Also at the end of experiment, serum ALP, AST and ALT activity decreased significantly in treatment groups when compared with Positive group.
This study suggests that CCl4 induced liver and kidney damage in rats can be ameliorated by administration of extract of J. regia and N. officinalis.
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Article Type: Original Article
ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 15, Issue 3, June 2018, Article No: em30
Publication date: 03 Mar 2018
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