Aim: This clinical study investigates the effect of catheter removal time on re-catheterisation following transurethral resection of the prostate. Method: This study includes 66 surgical candidates diagnosed with benign prostate hyperplasia. Cases were randomised into three groups. The catheter was removed on the first post-operative (Group I), second post-operative (Group II) and third post-operative (Group III) day. A record was kept of re-catheterised cases. Result: In Group I, we identified four cases of vesical globe and 1 case of active haemorrhaging between the 5th and 70th hour (av. 18 hours) following removal of the catheter that required re-catheterization. One case from Group II developed a need for re-catheterisation (vesical globe) in the sixth hour. There were no cases requiring re-catheterisation in Group III. Differences in age, prostate volume, resection time and amount of irrigation fluid in all three groups were statistically insignificant. Conclusion: Although the number of cases is insufficient, this study identified a statistically significant relation between early catheter removal following transurethral resection of the prostate and development of urine retention.
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Article Type: Original Article
EUR J GEN MED, Volume 8, Issue 4, October 2011, 280-283
Publication date: 11 Oct 2011
Article Views: 1571
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