The Necessity of Burn Treatment Units
Kemal Arslan 1, İlhan Çiftçi 2, Osman Doğru 3, Zeynep Altuntaş 3, Arif Atay 3
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1 Konya Education and Research Hospital, Departmants of Burn Unit, Konya, Turkey2 University of Selcuk, Selcuklu Medical Faculty, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Konya, Turkey3 Konya Training and Research Hospital, Konya, Turkey


Aim of study to identify, describe the patterns first 950 burn patients treated in Konya Education and Research Hospital Burn Unit. First consecutive 950 patients with burn injury hospitalized included in this study. The patient’s records reviewed for this study.Patient’s ratio male to female is 1.64. The mean age was 30.52±22.54 years; range was 0-94 years. Scald was the most frequent caused burn (51.2%). Electrical burns were the most common cause of full-thickness burns(%82.8). The patients 77.2% treated conservatively with burn dressing and them 22.8% treated surgically. The mean hospitalization time is 13.48±6.48 days and the mean burned TBSA 14.02±6.2%. The mortality rate was 2% for the study period and lastly cost of treatment burns injury Turkish Liras 1.345 per patient. Burn unit should be established in developing countries. Because the burn unit do not have in hospitals, burn patients are forced to be treated, other clinics and unsuitable conditions for burn wounds and the staff have not been received training in burn wounds and treatment of burn injury. The most of the burned patients can be treated with advanced burn dressing conservatively and lastly treatments of patients with burns injury are very expensive according to the treatments other diseases.


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Article Type: Original Article

EUR J GEN MED, Volume 10, Issue 1, January 2013, 39-46

Publication date: 09 Jan 2013

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